United States of America

A former professor of Russian and Spanish, Lisa taught and researched in the field of cross-cultural communication for 16 years before coming to Hofstede Insights as an Associate Partner in 2017. Now as the Managing Director and CEO of Hofstede Insights USA, she works with the Associate Partners in the country to design and deliver exceptional consulting services in the areas of Intercultural Management, Organizational Culture, and Consumer Culture Intelligence.

Lisa holds a Master's Degree in Russian Linguistics, a Master's of Teaching in Spanish, and a Doctorate in Second Language Acquisition. She is a member of the Board of Directors at Johann Goethe Schule, an international school in St. Petersburg, Russia. She has also lived in Italy and traveled extensively while working as a professor and consultant, providing teacher training and sharing research in the United States, Argentina, Russia, France, Canada, Italy, and Hungary.

Lisa has 9 years’ administration experience managing both people and programs. She is certified in Intercultural Management, Organizational Culture, Trust Building, and Global Virtual Management with Hofstede Insights.

When she is not working, Lisa can be found traveling the world with her husband, Kirk, a kindred language learner and adventurer, with her dogs, or curled up in a comfortable chair knitting.


Papers and Articles:

  • Is Rosetta Stone a Viable Option for L2 Learning? ADFL Bulletin, Volume 42 Issue 2, 61-72. 2012
  • Learner perception of formal and informal pronouns in Russian. Modern Language Journal 96(3): 400-418. 2011
  • Преподавание прагматических аспектов русского языка как иностранного. [Teaching Pragmatic Aspects of Russian as a Foreign Language]. Русский язык за рубежом [Russian as a Foreign Language]. Issue 5.
  • Reconceptualizing the goals for foreign language learning: The role of pragmatics instruction. In V. Scott (Ed.)., Principles and Practices of the Standards in College Foreign Language Education (pp. 86-105), Boston: Thomson Heinle.
  • Отличают ли иностранные студенты, изучающие русский язык, вежливые ответы от невежливых на вопросы в разных контекстах? [Do second language learners of Russian distinguish polite from impolite responses to questions in various contexts?]. In Lysakova, I. P. (Ed.)., Русистика и современность, Материалы Х международной научно-практической конференции 26 – 28 октября 2007 [Tenth International Scientific-Practical Conference “Rusistika and Modernity” 26 – 28 October 2007], (pp. 249 – 258, Tome 1), St. Petersburg, Russia: MIRS.
  • A theme-based backward-planning approach to the development of student writing in a second language. In G. Guntermann (Ed.), AP Spanish Special Focus on Writing. New York: College Board (with E. Beesley & J. Liskin-Gasparro). Pp 34-53.
  • Contrastive rhetoric: Do native speakers of Russian transfer their organizational style when writing in English? In W. M. Osadnik & P. Fast (Eds.), Language. Policy. Culture (pp. 139-150). Częstochowa, Poland: Wyzsza Szkola Lingwistyczna w Czestochowie.
  • Contrastive rhetoric: Do native speakers of Russian transfer their organizational style when writing in English? In W. M. Osadnik & P. Fast (Eds.), Language. Policy. Culture (pp. 139-150). Częstochowa, Poland: Wyzsza Szkola Lingwistyczna w Czestochowie.