Business Success in India

“Insightful course with plenty of information and tools backed by practical examples and provided by competent and accomodating experts that really empowered my approach towards colleagues from India. Well recommended!”

– Felipe G. Tamosauskas, Senior IT Manager, Scania CV AB




A complete online training program for executives, business leaders and entrepreneurs on how to succeed in their business dealings with India. Delivered by a worldwide network of experienced business leaders and entrepreneurs. One of its kind, this program brings the right solutions with focused business modules to answer the most common questions and challenges. The program is designed with 3 levels, catering to different experiences and requirement levels of participants.


  1. Level 1 – Country Brief: India through The Culture Factor’s 6D Model
  2. Level 2 – Business-specific Modules
  3. Level 3 – Business Transformation Support


Each module is facilitated by an experienced pair of Indian and International consultants. The modules are spaced two weeks apart to ensure sufficient reflection and practice time for the participants.

1. Introduction to Culture – asynchronous online Masterclass

Objectives – Understand the basics of The Culture Factor’s 6D Model and how it impacts cross-cultural interactions.

2. Country Brief – India through The Culture Factor’s 6D Model

Objectives – Apply the The Culture Factor model on India, with a deep dive into the peculiarities of the Indian culture through its history, religions, society and politics.

Level 1 prepares you for the business specific modules in Level 2.

1. Communication 

Objectives –  Understand the best practices for effective communication in India. How do you read between the lines in this collectivistic culture? How do you ensure that a commitment is met? What is the importance of following up?

2. Leading and Managing 

Objectives – Learn how leading and managing in India is completely different from your culture. How does the management style impact decision-making, motivating and providing feedback?

3. Stakeholders Management 

Objectives – Discover how to build trust with your stakeholders and how power dynamics and relationships play a role in effective stakeholder management in India.

4. Negotiation

Objectives – Apply your learning about India to practice your negotiation skills. What role does doing favours play in successful negotiations? How can you as a foreigner play the negotiations game effectively in India?

5. Marketing  

Objectives – Get creative with your marketing skills through an understanding of the consumer mindset in India and how to manoeuvre this complex culture.

Business Transformation Support

Objectives – Discover and address the key transformation areas for yourself and your organization. Identify practical steps for implementation, aligned with your assignment and your global business strategy.

At this level, you combine the learnings from Level 1 and Level 2, your business skills and your cultural experiences and are supported by the coach of your preference. Your coach will support you in defining practical steps and an optimal business transformation plan.

Culture Compass Survey: In preparation for the transformation, you will receive a personalised Culture Compass report to discover your own scores on Hofstede’s dimensions. This helps you compare, anticipate and strategise for your transformation plan. See a sample report here.


Hear from one of our previous participants on her experience with the program, and the impact it made in her dealings with her Indian business partners.


Hear from one of our previous participants on her experience with the program, and the impact it made in her dealings with her Indian business partners.



Akhilesh Mandal

“People side of Business is as critical and differentiating in determining the success or failure of a business, as the core business strategy itself” – has been the primary learning of Akhilesh in his diverse business experience. And the same learning became the driving force of..

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Brigitte Opel
The Netherlands

Brigitte Opel uses her experiences from an international career and extensive travels to prepare her clients for the challenges of global business. She shares her curiosity and her passion in interactive sessions on general as well as specific questions – in English, German or Dutch..

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Divya Susan Varkey
The Netherlands/ India

Based in Den Haag, Netherlands, Divya’s current focus is to bridge the communication and leadership gaps between Indian and European cultures. Her work in the Netherlands has included classroom trainings for multicultural group…

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Martin Karaffa

Marty helps brands harness the power of culture to develop global strategy, and to localize effectively. With a history as a global planning director for agencies such as BBDO and J. Walter Thompson, he knows firsthand…

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Navkaran Singh
UK/ India

Helping companies to Manage & Lead international teams, Assess & Execute Cultural Transformation and Improve Operational Efficiency among culturally diverse teams. Successfully delivered multiple projects for clients in IT, Telecoms, Digital Marketing…

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Pia Kahara
Finland/ Russia

Pia’s mission is to make managers and leaders culturally competent to improve their success rate in global business. She is specialized in Intercultural management, organizational culture and change, and has 25+ years of experience in business with Russia and Russian speaking countries..

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Sjaak Pappe
The Netherlands

Sjaak Pappe MA BAA is one of the senior consultants of The Culture Factor and joined the company in 1999. Since 1999 he works as an international management consultant and executive coach. He conducted assignments around the world and in industries like Utilities, Retail, Tourist & Travel, Traffic & Transport, Technology & IT, Oil & Offshore Industry, Finance & Banking and Pharmaceutical & Industrial Goods..

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