- Is your organization ready for a Digital Transformation process?
- You’ve formulated the perfect business strategy and yet your organisation doesn’t seem geared to achieve these goals.Wonder why you are unable to stir the spirit of innovation in your team or why you entrepreneurial agility falls short of your expectations
- That merger that you thought would catapult you to the next league, isn’t yielding result fast enough?
- Whether it is people engagement or performance issue or it’s a business problem the key solution starts with analysing the organizational culture

Because at The Culture Factor, our powerful Culture Analytics cuts through your organization at 8 different cross sections that provides you deep insights into:
- Level of Organizational Effectiveness
- Level of Customer Orientation
- Level of internal controls / work disciplines
- Level of professionalism – are you a learning organization
- Level of Communication within the organization
- Level of People vs. Task orientation
- Level of Acceptance of Leadership Style
- Level of Identification with the organization

We provide data on:
- Cultural Identity as perceived by your own employees
- Level of Trust and Security
- Change Readiness in the organization
- Work motivation of People
- Stay motivation of People
How do we get all the data ?
We survey people across the organization – the leaders and the employees in general or people in a particular function or a group or a business unit or a region – depending on if you want to transform the whole organization or focus surgically on a particular problem area.
Yes, a very sophisticated one at that.
The tool essentially operationalizes Geert The Culture Factor’s Multi-Focus Model (MFM) of Organizational Culture, gathers data through a survey that administers about 70 questions designed to ensure responses devoid of social acceptability bias.
This Model and the tool are validated and Research driven. And more importantly successfully deployed in several thousands Organization analysis over last 3 decades across the world.
How does a typical Organization Culture
Change Intervention look like?
The intervention typically is a 3 stage process.
Assessment of the Current state of the Organization : Actual Culture
Determination of the desired state : The state of the target Culture that aligns with company purpose, vision, strategic goals and objectives
Gap analysis, Change planning and implementation More details below:
How We Help?
Organizational culture Transformation

Culture Needs to be Quantified
- Understand the complex reality of your organization
- Understand the functional diversity throughout your organization
- Analyse the gap between and current culture and target culture to know where to surgically intervene
Culture and Strategy?

No “Good” nor “Bad” Organisational Cultures

It is either functional (aligned with) or dysfunctional (misaligned with) Strategy

What works for “them” may not work for you
Organizational culture
Why Our Approach is the best in the market
Meaningful benchmark
[Your strategy not your competitors]
[Looking at the holistic picture impacting your strategy, not a vaccum]
Predictive analytics
[A simple survey, yet highly detailed answers, looking at behavioural paterns]
Consistent change
[Ensuring consistent change elements should be placed through out the “onion”]
Integrated leadership analysis
[Helping leaders to “walk to talk” – detailed behavioural insights on a personal level]
Connecting hearts and Minds
[To ensure emotional sustainabillity in multinational environments]
For a free introductory and information session
An intensive virtual programme designed for managers and consultants interested in using Organisational Culture as a tool of management and change.
Organizational culture Transformation
We offer a simple process for powerful result