As always with #TheCultureFactor:

Interactive sessions

Keynote speeches

Enlightening talks

Case studies

Recent research shows that there is a clear shift in expectations between what managers decide is good for the organisation and what employees want. This conference and its keynotes will give you the answers with regards to many questions impacted by #TheCultureFactor such as:

Do I need to change my corporate culture to attract a younger workforce?
How does culture influence the success rate of our DEI initiatives?
When moving from start-up into scale-up, how do we know which cultural drivers to focus on?
How does culture influence B2B and B2C marketing?

Keynote speakers from a.o. Britannia, Manipal Groups, 3I Infotech, Cordence Worldwide and The Culture Factor will share their insights, practices and experiences on how to leverage culture and cultural metrics.

ITC Windsor – 25,Windsor Square, Golf Course Road, Bengaluru – 560052, Karnataka, India

The full programme coming soon!


12th October 2023, Thursday

Bangalore, India

Opening of the Doors & Registration

8 : 30 AM

Official Conference Kick-Off

Akhilesh Mandal & Egbert Schram, The Culture Factor

9.30 AM

Keynote on Organisational Culture Transformation

Thompson P. Gnanam, 3i Infotech Ltd.

10.00 AM

Transformation Journey into a Responsible Global Total Foods Company

Ritesh Rana, Britannia

10.30 AM

When Two Entities Merge - Aligning Strategic Goals and Objectives while maintaining the Best Corporate Culture of both sides

Nishith Mohanty, Manipal Education & Medical Group

10.50 AM

Improving Operational Excellence in Multinational Project Teams

Nitisha Dawan & Steve Haymon, Cordence Worldwide

11.10 AM

Influencing Consumer Marketing Strategies - Using #TheCultureFactor to enhance value-based marketing

Martin Karaffa, The Culture Factor

11.30 AM

Lunch and Networking

12:15 PM

Employees are from Venus and Managers from Mars - Global Insights in where Expectations and Reality differ when it comes to Organisational Culture

Egbert Schram, The Culture Factor

13.45 PM

Panel Discussion:How AI will impact Culture-led Performance Optimisation

Panelists :
  • Vithal Acharya
  • Lisa DeWaard, The Culture Factor USA
  • Kavya Kilingaru, Futureprojex
  • Manorama Kulkarni, EX DB & EX Capgemini

14.30 PM

Closing of the Day

15.15 PM

Current Speaker List

Akhilesh Mandal

Managing Director
The Culture Factor India

David Morley

Managing Director 
The Culture Factor, Australia 

Egbert Schram

Group CEO
The Culture Factor 

Lisa DeWaard

Managing Director
The Culture Factor USA

Manorama Kulkarni

EX DB & EX Capgemini

Martin Karaffa

Consumer Culture Practice Leader
The Culture Factor

Mervyn Raphael

Managing Partner
People Business

Michael Schachner

Head of Research
The Culture Factor

Nishith Mohanty

Group President – HR

Nitisha Dhawan Azad

Global Strategic Partnership
Cordence Worldwide

Ritesh Rana

Britannia India Ltd.

Steve Haymon

Managing Director
Cordence Worldwide

Thompson P Gnanam

Managing Director & Global CEO
3i Infotech Ltd.

Vithal Acharya

Head of Human Resources
Greaves Electric Mobility

Register Here

Secure a spot for you and your colleagues at the inspiring #TheCultureFactor conference 2023 in Bangalore. All necessary details will be shared with participants after registration

Invitee Ticket

No registration fees for invitees. To receive invitation, confirm eligibility by completing the form

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Business Ticket

Get a ticket for 3 individuals from same company

INR 40,000


Platinum Company Ticket

Join a conference with 3 Individuals & become a Conference partner with logo visibility

INR 80,000


Individual Ticket

Get a ticket for one individual

INR 16,000



Registrations end on September 27th
50% refunds are available until the final registration date, no refunds afterwards.