The Future of Work and Organizational Culture

50% of India leaders agree there is a need to plan for multiple possible futures around the workplace and workforce but cost pressure and the fear of setting a precedent holds them back from taking action. India leaders increasingly agree that the workplace – which in the past was for the people – has now evolved into a workspace of the people and that the future will entail further reimagining of the workforce and work model. The key findings of a PwC India’s People and culture first: Transformation journey in the future of work report underline the significance of a well-defined organizational culture.

Organizational culture

Nearly 4,000 business and HR leaders across 26 territories and from organizations across diverse sectors participated in the global survey, the findings of which were released in February 2022. 210 leaders were from India. One of the key observations was that Culture promotes innovation. Innovation drives growth: The survey asked if we are valuing capability and culture to drive organizational performance and productivity? It's clear that a well-defined organizational culture holds the key for future success. Organizational Culture also plays a significant role in supporting business strategy.

Are you looking for consultation on the perfect Organizational Culture for your company?

What is organizational culture

Organizational culture is the way in which people in an organization relate to each other, their work and the outside world, in comparison with other organizations. Your Organizational Culture shows how your organization works: how things get done, the interactions between people, and employee relationships to their work and the outside world. The best organizations often place equal emphasis on strategy and culture. Such organizations create a culture that motivates their teams. Organizational Culture is what differentiates your business, so it is important to know the various factors that contribute to your company’s culture.

Organic culture vs Active Culture

An organic approach means that management takes more of an observational approach to culture development so that culture develops naturally over time, or that the culture of the organization has not been considered at all. There are serious limitations and risks involved with the organic growth of your culture because it’s left to take its own direction – and this may not be aligned with your organization’s goals.

An active approach to Organizational Culture refers to organizations where the management takes the lead in proactively defining and implementing an optimal organizational culture. This can involve leading by example, training sessions, consultant guidance and more. It’s important to remember that while Organizational Culture manifests over time on its own, taking a more active approach will help you strategically design it. With proper guidance on your part, you can shape it to benefit your employees, adapt to the current business landscape, provide better customer service and stand out from competitors. Hofstede Insights can work with you and help you actively design an optimal culture to support your business strategy, both in the short and long run.

Find out how Hofstede Insights can help you implement a more active approach to your
organizational culture.

Case Study:

How Hofstede Insights helped a merged Indian entity build a winning Corporate Culture

One of the biggest casualties in a merger of two large Corporate entities is Organizational culture. More often than not, it ends up being a case of the merged entity lacking a strong Corporate culture or even worse not being able to transfer the strengths or the core culture of the previous entities to the newly merged entity. So, is it possible to bring the best of both worlds and build a strong Corporate culture that can achieve aggressive business targets after a major merger? Hofstede Insights India demonstrated that it can be done.


Hofstede Insights’ client in this case is an Indian insurance company. In its first avatar, this was an Indian insurance company formed by a joint venture between an Indian Business Conglomerate and an American Insurance major. The Indian partner then opted to sell all of its stake to another Indian Business Conglomerate. There were significant differences between both these Indian conglomerates that posed an interesting challenge:

  • Industry segments of their interests: Diversified interests in multiple sectors vs. many subsegments of a major sector
  • Degree of Involvement in the partnership: Active hands on vs. more hands off approach
  • Growth expectations: the new Indian partner expected aggressive growth from the Insurance company.

Key tasks for Hofstede Insights

  • Independently analyse the core cultural identities of the merging entities - the new Indian conglomerate and the existing Insurance company Ensure best of the conglomerate’s values get inculcated in the merged entity; in effect a best of both worlds.
  • To build a strong and effective Corporate culture in the merged entity to achieve aggressive growth targets.

How Hofstede Insights delivered on the client’s brief:

Key change elements in the strategy:

  • Leadership Approachability: The organization needed more structure in terms of information flow considering the nature of business
  • Focus on Leaders walking the talk: Senior leadership reflection at an individual and group level to align their behaviour to set the right culture pillars Focus on developing second level of
  • leadership and building a stronger more relevant employer brand

The results

A marked increase in Employee Engagement and this has reflected in Business growth which has been higher than the industry average.

The company has been able to attract and retain top talent with the values aligned to the Employer Brand

Winner, India’s Best Workplace in BFSI by Great Places To Work

Hofstede Insights can help you build an effective and sustainable organizational culture.

Reach out to us to discuss the challenges faced by your organization and practical steps to align your Culture and Strategy.

Strategy or Culture – which comes first?

A 2022 Gallup survey revealed that employee engagement in the U.S. saw its first annual decline in a decade - dropping from 36% engaged employees in 2020 to 34% in 2021. This trend continued into early 2022, falling further to nearly 32%. The drop is significant, since employee engagement has been trending up in recent years. Engaged employees are involved in and usually enthusiastic about their work and workplace. Actively disengaged employees are disgruntled and disloyal because most of their workplace needs are unmet.

The relationship between Business Strategy and Company Culture

According to the findings of this Gallup survey, Organizational culture and values are critical to guide business decisions. The survey adds that employees need to see the intended culture and values lived out daily. Employees can see the organization's values lived out through decisions, which builds trust in leadership.

That brings us to the question – What is the relationship between Business Strategy and Company Culture? We’ll start by delving into Business Strategy.

Are you looking for consultation on the perfect Organizational Culture for your company?

Business strategy – explained

 Business Strategy provides direction to your organisation to meet its goals even as you prepare to face challenges from your business competitors, evolving customer preferences as well as market dynamics. It’s akin to a compass that will help you navigate through changing market realities. A good business strategy does more than just provide direction. It helps you assess your SWOT (Internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats) – where you are today and where you want to be at a particular point of time. A good business strategy helps you improve your systems and processes as well as understand and leverage differentiating factors that make your organization unique. It helps you manage your teams better with clear communication.

Business strategy ensures you track your goals, keeping tabs of key performance indicators (KPIs) that will determine the progress and growth of your organisation. A well-defined business strategy helps you assess success and identify activities that fell short of your expectations or targets.

What is organizational culture

Organizational culture is the way in which people in an organization relate to each other, their work and the outside world, in comparison with other organizations. Your Organizational Culture shows how your organization works: how to things get done, the interactions between people, and employee relationships to their work and the outside world. The best organizations often place equal emphasis on strategy and culture. Such organizations create a culture that motivates their teams. Organizational Culture is what differentiates your business, so it is important to know the various factors that contribute to your company’s culture.

Find out how Hofstede Insights can help you implement a more active approach to your organizational culture.

A business plan needs a healthy company culture to support it

Creating a formal business plan, however, is just the first step on the journey to achieving success. You need to establish a healthy company culture that supports your strategy and puts it into action. No plan can succeed without the participation and support of your team. After all, people are the strongest driving force behind great results from any plan So, how can you consciously gear your Organizational Culture towards supporting your overall business strategy? Why is it crucial for accomplishing great results to have the two aligned?

The relationship between Business Strategy and Company Culture

Many organizations make the mistake of separating strategy from culture. This is not ideal, since both strategy and culture impact each other. Business strategy tends to be left in the hands of top management given the perception that it is associated with rational decisions, logical actions and overall company direction. The Human Resources (HR) department or middle management is tasked with building culture. This can be counterproductive because middle-level managers and the HR team are often not involved with strategy discussions. They might not be able to design the matching culture that will best support the overall busines leading to misalignment across different departments of your organisation.

Organizational culture and business strategy go hand-in-hand. Company culture can’t be considered as a lower priority as it’s what gives the strategy momentum and action. While the strategy provides guidance, culture is what motivates everyone in your company to have the same purpose of driving the business forward.

Organizational Culture:

A large group of German people or employees from a specific organization in comparison to a another similar-sized group from a US corporation can demonstrate differences in National Culture. However, the behaviour of this group of people would not represent German or American culture as a whole. In this case, it would be wrong to assume that the culture of their organization is identical to the dominant culture of their country. This is because it involves two different levels of society. The company would have a culture of some sort; this is what we call Organizational Culture.

How Organizational culture enables business strategy:

  • Stimulates employee engagement, encouraging them to execute strategies with active participation
  • Determines risk taking ability: Company culture determines how much risk your business can take – from investing in new technology and changing business processes to dealing with competitors and clients.
  • Communicate expectations from employees: by developing a resilient company culture, you can easily communicate what’s required from employees in order to effectively adapt and deal with challenges.
  • Greater participation from your teams: Company culture emphasises your organisation’s values to help every team implement your business strategy not only with excellence, but also with integrity, purpose and passion.
  • Consistent quality: Organisational culture unites your workforce to deliver consistent quality work for all stakeholders.

Hofstede Insights can help you build an effective and sustainable organizational culture that complements your Business Strategy.

Reach out to us to discuss the challenges faced by your organization and practical steps to align your Culture and Strategy.

13 Ways Organisational Culture Consulting Sparks Cultural Transformation

In the modern business landscape, organisational culture stands as a linchpin of success. A thriving corporate culture fosters employee engagement, innovation, and overall performance. However, shaping and maintaining a positive organisational culture can be a challenging task. That's where organizational culture consulting steps in. In this blog, we'll explore 13 ways in which organizational culture consulting sparks cultural transformation within companies, with a focus on cross-cultural communication, corporate culture training programs, and the pivotal role of organizational culture.

1. Cultivating Cultural Awareness
The journey to cultural transformation starts with understanding the existing organisational culture. Organisational culture consulting assists companies in assessing their current culture, shedding light on its strengths and weaknesses. According to Deloitte, 82% of employees and 84% of executives believe that culture is a potential competitive advantage. Gaining insight into your culture is the first step toward harnessing its potential.

2. Aligning Values and Actions
A crucial aspect of cultural transformation is aligning the values professed by a company with the actions of its employees. Organisational culture consultants work with leadership to ensure that the stated values are reflected in daily practices. Research from the Harvard Business Review shows that companies with strong cultural alignment experience four times the average profit growth.

3. Setting Clear Cultural Objectives
Successful cultural transformation necessitates the setting of clear objectives and goals for the desired culture. Organisational culture consultants assist in establishing these objectives, ensuring they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). A study by the Katzenbach Center found that 80% of respondents believed that changing culture was critical for their organisation's success.

4. Engaging Leadership
Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping and maintaining organisational culture. Organisational culture consulting often includes leadership development programs to empower leaders to lead by example and embody the desired culture. McKinsey reports that 70% of senior leaders believe that culture is a top management priority.

5. Promoting Cross-Cultural Communication
In our globalized world, effective cross-cultural communication is vital. Organisational culture consulting highlights the importance of communication across different cultural backgrounds. A study by the Economist Intelligence Unit found that 90% of executives believe that cross-cultural communication is essential for their organisations' success.

6. Implementing Corporate Culture Training Programs
A fundamental component of cultural transformation is the implementation of corporate culture training programs. Organisational culture consultants design and deliver these programs, equipping employees with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in the new culture. LinkedIn Learning reports that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career development.

7. Measuring Progress and Accountability
To ensure cultural transformation is on the right track, it's essential to measure progress and hold individuals accountable. Organisational culture consultants establish key performance indicators (KPIs) and regularly assess and report on cultural changes. Deloitte found that while 50% of organisations are attempting to change their culture, only 12% feel they are making progress.

8. Adapting to Change
The business landscape is ever-evolving, and cultural transformation must be adaptable. Organisational culture consulting helps companies remain flexible and responsive to change, ensuring that the culture aligns with new business strategies and goals. PwC reports that 79% of CEOs believe that a company's culture must evolve in the next five years for success.

9. Fostering Inclusivity and Diversity
Diversity and inclusion are integral parts of a thriving organisational culture. Organisational culture consultants guide companies in fostering a culture that values diversity and ensures that all employees feel included and respected. Glassdoor's survey revealed that 76% of job seekers consider diversity a crucial factor when evaluating potential employers.

10. Enhancing Employee Engagement
A positive organisational culture significantly boosts employee engagement. Organisational culture consulting strategies aim to improve engagement levels by creating an environment where employees feel motivated and connected to their work. Gallup's State of the Global Workplace report found that only 15% of employees worldwide are engaged in their jobs, highlighting the need for cultural change.

11. Sustaining Cultural Transformation
Cultural transformation is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Organisational culture consulting ensures that the changes implemented are sustained over the long term. This involves continuous monitoring, reinforcement of desired behaviors, and adaptation as necessary. McKinsey's research indicates that companies successfully sustaining cultural change see a 19% increase in profitability compared to those that don't.

12. Cultivating Innovation and Agility
A thriving culture encourages innovation and agility within an organisation. Organisational culture consulting fosters an environment where employees feel empowered to suggest and implement innovative ideas. In a survey by Boston Consulting Group, 79% of respondents agreed that fostering a culture of innovation is crucial for their organisation's success.

13. Ensuring Ethical and Values-Driven Conduct
An essential aspect of cultural transformation is instilling ethical behavior and values-driven conduct. Organisational culture consulting helps companies define and uphold ethical standards, ensuring that employees act in line with the organisation's values. It is important to have a Code of Conduct in place that is well-known by all and enforced across the organisation. This ensures that employees know what behavior is deemed acceptable and unacceptable, allowing them to act accordingly.

When it comes to cultural transformation, organisational culture consulting serves as a linchpin for companies seeking to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. By creating cultural awareness, aligning values and behaviors, and promoting cross-cultural communication, it helps organisations navigate the dynamic business environment successfully. Furthermore, by fostering inclusivity, enhancing employee engagement, and sustaining cultural change, organisational culture consulting ensures that companies are well-prepared for the challenges of the future.

As the statistics and examples demonstrate, investing in organisational culture consulting can be a game-changer, providing a competitive advantage and driving long-term success in the corporate world. These 13 ways showcase the holistic impact of organisational culture consulting on driving cultural transformation and propelling companies toward a prosperous future.

Building Resilience Through Corporate Culture Training

Building Resilience Through Corporate Culture Training: Navigating Change and Challenges

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, organisations face unprecedented levels of change and uncertainty. Building resilience to weather these challenges is vital for long-term success. One of the most effective strategies for enhancing resilience is through corporate culture training. This blog explores the profound impact of corporate culture training programs on building resilience within organisations, with a focus on cross-cultural communication, the role of organisational culture consulting, and the importance of nurturing a strong organizational culture.

Understanding the Power of Organisational Culture
Before diving into the role of corporate culture training, it's crucial to grasp the significance of organisational culture itself. Organisational culture is the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that define how an organisation operates. It serves as the foundation for decision-making, employee behavior, and ultimately, the organisation's success.

A positive organisational culture fosters resilience by enabling employees to adapt to change, collaborate effectively, and stay motivated during challenging times. According to a study by Deloitte, 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe that a distinct workplace culture is essential for business success.

The Role of Corporate Culture Training Programs
Corporate culture training programs are designed to cultivate and strengthen the desired organisational culture. These programs provide employees with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to embrace and embody the culture. Here are several ways in which corporate culture training programs contribute to building resilience:

1. Cultivating Cultural Awareness
Resilience starts with an understanding of the current organisational culture. Corporate culture training programs often begin by creating cultural awareness, helping employees recognize the existing culture's strengths and areas for improvement. This awareness serves as a foundation for cultural transformation. By cultivating a culture of communication, collaboration, and innovation, organisations can promote resilience and foster lasting positive change. Additionally, establishing processes and policies that support employees' mental health is essential for creating resilient environments.

2. Promoting Cross-Cultural Communication
In an increasingly globalised world, cross-cultural communication is paramount. Corporate culture training programs emphasise the importance of effective communication across different cultural backgrounds. A study by the Economist Intelligence Unit found that 90% of executives believe that cross-cultural communication is essential for their organisations.

Corporate culture training can help bridge the gap between cultures, foster collaboration, and create an environment of mutual understanding. Moreover, it provides employees with the necessary tools to prevent misunderstandings and resolve conflicts quickly.

3. Aligning Values and Behaviors
A resilient culture requires alignment between the stated values of the organisation and the actual behaviors of employees. Corporate culture training helps bridge this gap by providing employees with the skills to live out the values in their daily work. Research from the Harvard Business Review indicates that companies with strong cultural alignment experience four times the average profit growth.

4. Enhancing Adaptability
Resilience hinges on an organisation's ability to adapt to change. Corporate culture training programs often include modules on adaptability, helping employees embrace change and navigate uncertainties effectively. McKinsey's research reports that 70% of senior leaders believe that culture is a top management priority. As such, organisations should invest in corporate culture training to cultivate resilience and ensure the long-term success of their business.

5. Building Ethical Frameworks
In times of crisis or change, ethical conduct becomes even more critical. Corporate culture training ensures that employees understand and adhere to ethical standards, promoting trust and resilience. Moreover, it can reinforce values that define the organisation and set the tone for ethical behaviour. This helps create a culture of respect and fairness, enabling organisations to uphold their standards during turbulent times.

The Role of Organisational Culture Consulting
To optimise the impact of corporate culture training, many organisations turn to organisational culture consulting. These experts provide guidance and expertise in designing and implementing culture training programs that align with the organisation's goals and values. Here's how organisational culture consulting further enhances resilience:

1. Strategic Cultural Assessment
Organisational culture consultants begin by conducting comprehensive cultural assessments. This involves gathering data and insights to understand the current culture and identify areas that need attention. This data-driven approach ensures that the training program targets specific challenges, thereby enhancing its effectiveness.

2. Customised Training Solutions
One size does not fit all when it comes to corporate culture training. Organisational culture consultants tailor training programs to suit the unique needs and goals of each organisation. This customisation ensures that the training directly addresses the areas where resilience needs to be strengthened.

3. Leadership Development
Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping culture and fostering resilience. Organisational culture consulting often includes leadership development programs that equip leaders with the skills to lead by example and drive cultural change. McKinsey reports that 79% of CEOs believe that a company's culture must evolve in the next five years for success.

4. Continuous Improvement
Resilience is an ongoing endeavor. Organisational culture consulting supports companies in sustaining cultural transformation by establishing mechanisms for continuous improvement. This includes monitoring, reinforcement of desired behaviours, and adaptation as necessary.

Measuring the Impact
Measuring the impact of corporate culture training on resilience is essential. By gathering data and feedback, organisations can assess the effectiveness of their efforts and make data-driven decisions for improvement. Key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring resilience may include employee engagement levels, adaptability to change, and employee satisfaction during challenging times.

In an era marked by constant change and uncertainty, building resilience is paramount for organisations seeking to thrive. Corporate culture training, guided by the expertise of organisational culture consulting, offers a powerful means to foster resilience. By cultivating cultural awareness, promoting cross-cultural communication, aligning values and behaviours, enhancing adaptability, and building ethical frameworks, organisations can build a culture that not only survives but thrives in the face of adversity.

As the statistics and examples illustrate, the investment in corporate culture training and organisational culture consulting can be a strategic decision that pays dividends in terms of resilience and long-term success. In a world where resilience often separates thriving organisations from struggling ones, the role of culture training and consulting cannot be overstated.

10 Strategies for Fostering an Organisational Culture in a Multigenerational Workforce

In today's diverse and dynamic workforce, organizations face the challenge of fostering a cohesive and inclusive organizational culture that accommodates employees from different generations. With baby boomers, Generation X, millennials, and Generation Z working side by side, understanding and addressing their unique needs, preferences, and values is crucial for a harmonious and productive work environment. In this blog, we'll explore 10 strategies for fostering an organizational culture in a multigenerational workforce.

1. Embrace Diversity and Inclusion
According to a McKinsey report, companies with diverse workforces are 33% more likely to outperform their peers in profitability.

To create a thriving multigenerational organisational culture, start by embracing diversity and inclusion. Encourage employees to celebrate their differences and unique perspectives. Promote an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their age. Implement inclusive hiring practices and offer diversity training programs to foster a sense of belonging.

2. Define and Communicate Core Values
Clear and well-communicated core values are the bedrock of a strong organizational culture. These values should resonate with employees of all generations, reflecting the beliefs and principles that unite them. When core values are established and consistently communicated, they become a guiding force in decision-making and behavior throughout the organization. A study by Randstad reported that 40% of Gen Z prioritize job stability when looking for employment, and 32% prioritize career growth opportunities.

Core values provide a compass for employees to navigate complex situations and make ethical choices. For instance, if one of your core values is "integrity," it means that honesty and transparency are non-negotiable principles within the company.

3. Develop Cross-Generational Mentorship Programs
Mentorship programs can bridge the generation gap and promote knowledge sharing. Encourage senior employees to mentor younger colleagues and vice versa. This cross-generational exchange of skills and insights can help employees learn from each other and build stronger connections.

A survey by Deloitte found that 70% of millennials who have a mentor report a strong desire to stay with their organization for more than five years.

4. Offer Flexibility in Work Arrangements
Different generations have varying expectations when it comes to work-life balance and flexibility. Baby boomers may prefer traditional office hours, while millennials and Gen Z often value flexible work arrangements, including remote work.

A FlexJobs survey revealed that 65% of respondents believe they would be more productive working from home than in a traditional office setting.

To accommodate these differences, consider offering flexible work arrangements and remote work options. This flexibility can boost job satisfaction and attract a wider range of talent.

5. Tailor Communication Styles
Effective cross-generational communication is vital for organizational culture. Recognize that different generations may prefer different communication tools and styles. Baby boomers may appreciate face-to-face meetings, while millennials and Gen Z might prefer digital channels like Slack or email.
Understanding these preferences and adapting your communication methods can enhance collaboration and reduce misunderstandings.

6. Implement Organisational Culture Consulting
Seeking external expertise through organizational culture consulting can provide valuable insights and recommendations. Organisational culture consulting is a strategic investment that can yield significant returns. These specialized consultants bring an external perspective and expertise to assess, diagnose, and improve your organisational culture. Their role is not just to identify issues but to work collaboratively with your leadership team to develop customized solutions.

Consultants can conduct in-depth cultural assessments, survey employees, and facilitate focus groups to gain insights into your current culture.

7. Provide Corporate Culture Training Programs
Investing in corporate culture training programs can help employees at all levels understand and embrace your organisation's values. Corporate culture training programs are instrumental in shaping and sustaining a desired organisational culture. These programs go beyond surface-level training and delve deep into the core values, behaviors, and expectations that define your workplace.

A Deloitte survey found that 43% of millennials plan to leave their current jobs within two years, citing a lack of development opportunities and leadership skills as key factors

Comprehensive culture training programs can take various forms, including workshops, seminars, e-learning modules, and immersive experiences. They aim to instill a sense of shared identity and purpose among employees of all generations. Participants learn not only what the company's culture is but also how to embody it in their day-to-day interactions and decision-making.

8. Encourage Cross-Generational Collaboration
Cross-generational collaboration is a powerful means of leveraging the strengths and perspectives of employees from different age groups. By encouraging teams composed of members from various generations to work together, organisations can tap into a rich pool of experiences, skills, and ideas.

A report by Forbes Insights and the BNY Mellon Investment Management found that companies fostering cross-generational collaboration are 2.5 times more likely to be change-ready.

These collaborations break down generational stereotypes and foster mutual respect among employees. For example, a baby boomer employee may bring decades of industry knowledge, while a Gen Z colleague might offer fresh insights into emerging technologies and trends. When these diverse talents combine, it can lead to innovative solutions and more effective problem-solving.

9. Recognize and Celebrate Achievements
Recognizing and celebrating achievements is a universal motivator. Ensure that your organisation has a system in place to acknowledge employees' accomplishments, regardless of their age. Regularly highlight individuals or teams who have contributed to the company's success.

Gallup reports that employees who do not feel adequately recognized are twice as likely to quit within a year.

10. Continuously Evolve and Adapt
Organisational culture is not static; it should evolve to meet the changing needs and expectations of your workforce. Regularly solicit feedback from employees of all generations and be open to making necessary adjustments. An adaptable culture is more likely to thrive and remain relevant in the face of constant change.

In conclusion, fostering an organizational culture in a multigenerational workforce requires deliberate effort and a commitment to embracing diversity, promoting inclusivity, and accommodating different needs and preferences.

By implementing these 10 strategies with Hofstede insights, your organisation can create a culture that not only respects the values and contributions of each generation but also thrives in an ever-changing business landscape. Remember, a strong organisational culture is an asset that drives employee engagement, retention, and ultimately, your company's success.